Trick and Treat

Well, the other night I was in on my own. I wasn't bothered as the house was quiet, the settee very comfortable and the heating was on. My tummy was full so all was well with the world.

The tribe had gone to some strange ritual of carving pumkins in the Village Hall. When they came back I was pleased to hear the Callum the senior grandson had won.

Now, the next night I really enjoyed myself. All these funny kids kept appearing at our door. Some looked quite frightening, but being a brave Boxer dog I put on my brave face. Him and Her-indoors were quite tickled by the young man dressed as a waiter but I think he was really a posh Butler.

Anyway all these kids - and I know quite a lot of them - asked for a 'Trick or treat'. Being reasonably well educated I understand the word 'Treat' but I'm not sure about 'Trick'.

Seems to me that all the kids got a treat, but there was nothing for me! Cruel trick that.
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