Hog Roast

Well, I wasn't excluded from this event like I was from the first one. I walked up the road with Her and Him-indoors and we met Emma and Stephen Shone with their mum and dad. Emma 'dog-sat' me a few days ago whilst Him and Her-indoors went out for the day. I usually go with them but not this time.

Anyway, I was pleased to see Em and Steve again.

When we got to the party I was surprised at how many people I new, particularly the children. I fussed them and they fussed me. Then somebody dropped a steak, so, being a tidy dog I ate it - and very nice it was too. I was offered a sausage, but, I've never been partial to them but I'm sure Jack - Len's dog would have eaten it if he had been there, being a sausage dog!

Then it started to rain, chucked it down really. I don't like rain as it makes my head itch where I had my operation (rumour has it they were looking for my brains). I wouldn't have minded going in that big tent thing with all the kids, but I over-heard Him-indoors saying something about it being a 'Indian Tepee'. Now, I know a thing or two about the Indians and how they used to cut people's hair off rather painfully so I decided not to risk it!

Then we went home and I had some super and went fast asleep. I had a good time and I hope you all did to - see you around.

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