Roses bloom, soaked with cide's chemical or Organic feed.
Secateurs keep them neat and trim, absorbing nitrates with excessive greed.
Heady Perfume the smell, a Pandora paint box opened its lid,
growing as tea, sturdy rambler or climbing amuck-
Given with love or a message of good-luck.

Fox-gloves, Hollyhocks, Delphiniums, Canterbury Bell,
Stand to attention, quite tall they grow.
Propagate them selves with gay abandon-
In hedge-rows, wild in woods, there for all to view-
Waving in the wind, bowing to all they see,
a welcome home for the busy bumble bee.

Mounds of stones covered with moss
Earth in the holes, lay brown and bare.
Scatter seeds within their shape.
Brings forth, rock roses, marigolds, daisy, margarite
Shoots appear then a beautiful flower
covering the rockery with 'flower power'.

A pond nearby laid watery smooth in the sun. (Now extinct)
While fish rose up to greet its raise
Pink and yellow water-lillies,
embarked on opening their delicate petals.
Water trickled, covered leaves for frogs to croak and sit.
A dragon fly, skimmed the water to see its face,
whilst the pond vegetated quiet with solitude and grace.

The wind rushes through a master of trees
Chimes a chorus all of its own.
Surrounding areas, singing different songs,
Not like a band, they do no wrong.
Attuned in sound and colour, they mix and match.
Birds nestle their branches, the young to hatch.

A village, the hall, awash, majestic in the summer sun,
Sits quiet in splendor, colourful and at ease.
The life within its brick built case -
Protecting families, with laughter…… no shelter for pain-
their home is a castle, no matter large or small.
Saighton Village honours its name, summer, winter or fall.

From Chester, you'll travel through in the wink of an eye,
A Union Jack/George Cross salutes, in great British style.
Enfold its richness, passing slowly by-
John Douglas, Architect sublime-
distinguished structures of Red brick,
chimneys spiral in design.

On the Duke of Westminster's Estate,
the village proudly sits.
Companionship to all who inhabit-
2009 with companionship-
enveloping as-
its rustication genuinely fits.

Created one Evening about 6pm…..June 2000
Updated July 2009.
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